PUBLIC LAW 98-346—JULY 9, 1984 98 STAT. 319 Public Law 98-346 98th Congress Joint Resolution To designate the week beginning September 2, 1984, as "National School-Age Child July 9, 1984 Care Awareness Week". p j. Res> 544] Whereas more than half of the children in the United States are in families in which both parents are in the work force; Whereas more than one in five children in the United States are in a one-parent family; Whereas changes in the composition of American families and the American work force have resulted in an increased demand for child care for children of all ages; Whereas the demand for child care for school-age children has increased at a greater rate than the availability of school-age child care; Whereas estimates show that millions of school-age children be- tween the ages of six and thirteen, often referred to as latchkey children, may return alone after school to an empty house or in the supervision of a slightly older brother or sister; Whereas research studies have indicated that children in self and sibling care run greater physical and psychological risks, includ- ing accidents and feelings of fear and loneliness, than children who are cared for by an adult; Whereas the Congress has begun to examine the issue of child care and the role of Federal and State government, the private sector, and parents in providing child care; Whereas the parents, communities, employers, and agencies serving youth that have recognized the shortage of adequate and afford- able school-age child care have developed after school programs for children in their communities; and Whereas many more parents, communities, employers, and agencies serving youth need to address the problems facing these children and to maximize the use of State and Federal resources in collabo- ration with these efforts: Now, therefore, be it